The DBE team and I hope you are having a great week and that this week’s What’s Hot Wednesday for Digital Marketers give you good fuel for your marketing mind. Be sure to check out our Do Good Spotlight this week, Grateful. We usually feature a not-for-profit and donate to them—this week we feature a new company that spreads the love by making giving easier for company’s and those they care about.

  • We all know podcasts are a huge marketing channel that’s growing fast. Well, it’s coming up on a long weekend (not yet, not yet, but soon) and we thought you might enjoy a list of great podcasts to explore. How do we know they’re great? They’re the winners of the first “Awards for Excellence in Audio” aka the Ambies, shared via The Hollywood Reporter.And special shout out to longtime friend of DBE, Kathy Doyle, VP of Podcasting for Macmillan Publishing, for the win for “Driving the Green Book” in the best history podcast category.
  • The war on spreading misinformation just got a surprise hit. Facebook is testing a pop-up that asks users if they have read the article they are about to share. The pop-up is meant to ensure people are accurately informed of the article’s contents to prevent the spread of misinformation. Check out The Verge article now.
  • Search Engine Land has launched its annual 2021 SEO Periodic Table survey. For those of you that are into SEO, taking the survey will do two things: 1) it will remind you of all the technical, on-page and off-page elements needed to do what we call “real SEO” and 2) you will be able compare your program with others when the survey results get released.
  • Sprout Social just published the results of its data analysis on the best times to post on social media in 2021. The research is based on engagement activity with posts throughout the hours and days of each week. But wait, there’s more. The results also break down further by social channel (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter) and by industry (ranging from Healthcare to Education to Finance and more). With wisdom comes more strategizing—if we know this now, so do many others—but that’s all part of the fun, isn’t it? Here’s the full article.
  • Verizon Media has been acquired by Apollo Funds. This means that Verizon Media will be re-re-rebranded back to Yahoo, which seems like deja vu for marketers who have undergone the transitions from Yahoo Gemini, to Oath, to Verizon Media and now back full circle to Yahoo’s root brand. During the transition, Verizon Media will be migrating from Gemini into the DSP, but they ensure the transition will be a seamless process for advertisers.
  • What can your brand learn from the social media marketing of some of the biggest brands out there? Take a look.
  • In issues, opportunities…this overview in MediaPost of results from a survey conducted by BrandMaker over 100 VP or C-level marketing execs showed only 40% gave their marketing an A-grade. That’s the lede, here’s the rest of the story and remember, in the bad news…lots of chances to make things right.

Do Good Spotlight:

Last week we learned about a new platform that connects nonprofits, businesses, and individual givers with an opportunity to support important causes in the world. It’s a really cool concept that we’re looking into for DBE, and we wanted to share it with you too. You can learn more about Grateful here.

Okay, that’s it for this week. We hope we’ve sparked curiosity and new thinking. And we wish you a wonderful rest of the week!

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Published On: 05/19/2021 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer /

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