We have advocated the use of structured markups to boost click throughs from natural search results for quite a while. A new study from Blue Nile Research provides new data around this topic that search marketers will find useful too. From the Blue Nile Research executive summary:

“…we see that the rich-media‒ enhanced result in position 2 captures an average of 61% of clicks, versus 48% when the same unenhanced result is in position 1… In our research, users tell us loud and clear that they would sooner click further down the page on a search result enhanced with appealing rich media than on position 1 containing a plain, text-only link.”

There are so many ways to markup your site with Schema, including Event MarkupArticle MarkupOrganization Markup and Recipe Markup.

If you still aren’t inspired to markup your website then maybe this will help…Google’s John Mueller recently mentioned that Google is “looking into making Structured Data a ranking factor.” History has shown that when Google reps say things like this, even in passing, it’s because they are ALREADY using that factor in some aspects. So let this be another subtle push to be sure to markup your site and content.

DBE released a POV last year explaining the different Schema.org structured markup schemas. If you need further help in identifying the relevant Schema markup to add to your website, and marking up the code, let us know and we’ll be happy to help you.

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Published On: 01/19/2016 / Categories: DBE Perspectives / Tags: /

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