I hope you were able to make the best of the Summer of 2020 despite its very real challenges and that your head and heart are ready to drive your business forward as we enter September. I like to use the last two weeks of August as a “rest, reflect, plan” period and this year that timing worked well for me. I’ve hit post-Labor Day with gusto and am excited about the opportunities coming into my world.

Here are a few of the content capsules that caught my attention over the last few weeks that I want to share with my fellow business leaders today:

  • Is your company a prime target for ransomeware? This from Data Breach Today will answer that and other questions about this growing plague:
  • I recently mentioned I’ve been accepted into Chief. I’m meeting my first “Core Group” on Thursday and am very impressed with this organization. Check out this amazing article on female leadership and empathy. I love how it talks about the need to institutionalize empathy and make it a corporate value shared by all. It posits that by doing, female leaders will be enabled to better focus on their jobs, rather than walking that ridiculous fine line so many of us know all too well. (I don’t need to walk it as much as a leader in a private business, but there are still times I feel it beneath my feet).
  • Anthropologist, Grant McCracken, in an interview with Debbie Millman, states that designers create and interpret culture. These print ad designers brought inspiration and creativity to the corporate world. Check out their amazing work.
  • Do we need to meet people in person to work better with them? New research shared by The New York Times.
  • What’s a “digital first” business environment and which companies seem to be getting it right? This from Fast Company.
  • Heads up! 76% of workers say they have higher expectations for prospective employers than they did 3 years ago according to new research from the Edelman Trust Barometer report. Oh, there’s more. A lot more. You really need to read this.

Do Good Spotlight on: Kids in Need Foundation 

Kids in Need Foundation (KINF) believes education is the gateway to empowering students to reach their full potential. Since 1995, they’ve provided the school supplies and learning resources needed to help kids in need and their teachers. KINF is the only national nonprofit to focus its efforts on the country’s most underserved schools, those with an enrollment of 70% or more participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

We learned a lot about KINF this week and donated to help stock classrooms and fill back-packs. You can help too, find out how here.

Thanks for reading—we hope this issue was helpful. Please remember to point us to not-for-profits to feature—and donate to, we’re always on the lookout for great organizations that deserve shout outs and support. Enjoy the rest of the week!

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Published On: 09/08/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: /

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