We hope you had a fun Halloween and are gearing up for a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. As we jump into November, here are the digital marketing stories we want to share with you. If you want to talk about any of these, please reach out so we can schedule time for that. In the meantime, here are this week’s briefs:

  • Following the leaking of the Facebook Papers, the company has restructured its big company/big business attitude to something a bit more community friendly… the Metaverse… a decentralized technological space of transparency, co-ownership, and participation. We’ll see where this path goes, there’s a lot to fix to gain trust, here’s a snapshot of the new organization.

How is the world of marketing reacting to the Metaverse?

  • This is an excellent read from Search Engine Journal, toplining key aspects of the emerging metaverse and key architects. The metaverse is poised for rapid growth that will open opportunities for marketers. We think this read will serve you well.
  • And here’s another perspective piece, this one from Business Insider (paywall). It’s got POVs from various players from agencies and big brands you’ll want to check out.

We’re picking up on the excitement vibe, but we can’t help note the dystopian current coming off this too. That said, there’s lots to explore and no one wants to miss the fun, so DBE will be exploring as we’ve done with all the new cool stuff since 2001 when we launched (what’s that, 20-year anniversary? Whoop, whoop!). But for now, much of the exploration is happening for and with those with very deep pockets. But don’t let that stop you from learning more. Resist the temptation to fluff this off. It’s happening, the questions aren’t around “If” but “What if….”

  • And Facebook isn’t the only one looking bad…have you heard about “Jedi Blue?” No, it’s not a new Star Wars movie but it does have to do with an alleged “evil” empire collusion between Google and Facebook to rig the programmatic ad market. On Friday, October 22, 2021, a New York judge unsealed previously redacted documents in an antitrust suit led by the State of Texas. The suit alleges the two ad giants colluded to rig ad prices for header bidding auctions, giving Facebook an advantage of lower fees, speed, and other advantages.  Search Engine Land has definitions, lots of details, and explains how this deal may have led publishers and advertisers to overpay and/or miss out on ad programmatic ad placements.

Do Good Spotlight on: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK)

Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) exists to feed those who are hungry in the Trenton area and offer programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life. We’ve donated to them in the past and continue to support this hard-working, community-focused not-for-profit. Visit the website to learn more and donate too.

More digital marketing news from the DBE team:

  • What insights can you get from Google Analytics? This nifty little 35-point piece provides some answers.
  • Google had a good 3rd quarter. Thank you, YouTube: “YouTube ads are the breakout star of Google’s Q3 earnings report” — quick and interesting read:
  • LaterMedia (latermedia) posted about a new feature on Instagram, the “Add Yours” sticker for stories. Here’s a bit from them: “⁠This new, interactive sticker is perfect for creating viral chains of content on stories – making it a huge opportunity for driving community engagement. When a user shares the “Add Yours” sticker on their stories, a chain reaction begins — their followers (and any user on Instagram) can take part in the challenge to share a image or video (live or from their camera roll).!” Here’s the detail.
  • You probably have heard how the shortage of semiconductor chips has slowed the delivery of new cars but the global chip shortage is also hitting the smartphone industry harder than expected according to eMarketer. Still, there over 1.​4 billion smartphones expected to be shipped worldwide so no need to panic…

Wow, long issue this week. Hope it’s been helpful. Let us know if you want to talk about anything we’ve shared or anything else. Enjoy the rest of the week!

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Published On: 11/03/2021 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer /

Digital marketing news with a mindful twist

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