Hello out there!

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” ~Rikki Rogers

In rock climbing, there’s a saying that most people are strong enough to do what they want to do – the roadblocks are the technique and the confidence. So, in whatever you pursue, I urge you to cheer for yourself like you would cheer for your bestie or a close family member. Give yourself the ability to make mistakes, so you can come out stronger than ever before. #YouGotThis

Let’s march into the digital marketing news!


  • The newest Google Core Update was released yesterday. The goal is to reduce spammy content through 3 updated policies on scaled content abuse, site reputation abuse, and expired domain abuse. Overall, content creators need to create people-first, valuable content and avoid black-hat SEO techniques.
  • AI and Entities and Ontologies, Oh My! Search Engine Journal compiled an immersive look at emerging factors impacting the future of SEO. If the 15-minute read time is off-putting for the TL:DR crowd, here’s a quick synopsis:
    • The advent of generative AI has changed how and where people are performing searches.
    • Influencing inclusion in these new “search experiences” requires new approaches to content delivery for both human and AI consumption.
    • Leveraging schema markup and other forms of structured, rich-results content like FAQs, videos, etc. help both humans and the AI bots make better connections with search intent.
    • Elevating your entity authority fits nicely into the E-E-A-T guidelines for helpful and trustworthy content.
    • … If this sounds familiar, congratulations – you’ve been following our updates on Search AI Optimization (SAIO).
  • Speaking of SAIO, Search Engine Land has the latest status on Google SGE features, testing, and development. Still no sense of when it might launch officially in the US….
  • Carousels in Google results? The horizontal scrolling carousel view will be able to feature more structured data types (AKA more info from your website, provided it’s formatted correctly).

International Women’s Day Spotlight
🌟 WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. 🌟

With International Women’s Day on Friday, we are supporting WOMEN Unlimited, Inc (WUI). WUI is an international organization for large enterprises to coach their high-potential women for leadership positions. Their programs and mentoring help to create a sustainable gender parity, while positively influencing the company’s bottom line. Learn more about their impact: WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.

Digital Marketing

  • Most of you who watched the Super Bowl probably remember who won… but do you still remember the ads? MarketingCharts shares some interesting ad data including top ad likeability scores, most viewed ads, top ad for long-term, brand-building potential, top advertiser by lift in consideration, and the “Happy CFO Award” for the ad expected to deliver the greatest sales lift.

Have the best week,


Why is it easy to prank someone born on March 31st on April Fools Day?

Because they were literally born yesterday. 😁

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Published On: 03/06/2024 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer /

Digital marketing news with a mindful twist

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