I hope you had a great holiday season and that 2021 is treating you well so far!

I had lots of time to read and watch news and insights from all kinds of brilliant people over the break and here are several items that had me thinking of all you business leaders out there as I was absorbing them. Here are this week’s shares from our Owlthena brand:

  • I’m a big fan of round-up articles and this one, Top Tech Trends from 30 Experts, (think iRobot, OpenAI, GitHub, IDEO–okay, now you got it!) via Fast Company is invigorating.
  • “I’m not sure it’s for you, but….” Do you see what I did there? You will if you read this article by Michael Thompson in the personal growth section of Medium. An introvert, he’s long been uncomfortable with “selling” but recognizes we all need persuade others throughout every day. Throughout the piece, he shares reframed conversation starters and explains why they’re helpful for making you and the person you’re talking with more comfortable.
  • Here’s another “list” piece, also from Medium. This one is by Sinem Gunel and, as the headline promises, it’s “29 Ridiculously Tiny Habits That Can Completely Change Your Life.” I started using the “if it takes less than 5 minutes, do it now” tip on Monday and wow, what an awesome reminder for getting the new year off to a productive start!
  • How do you and your team feel about returning to the office in 2021? This Washington Post piece by Sydney Trent from December 27, 2020 does a great job of examining the spectrum of reactions workers are having to that concept. It’s a good piece, a little long, but lots of examples. Tip: If you don’t have a Washington Post subscription and you get blocked from reading the article from the link, try Googling “Workers are dreaming of returning to the office in 2021—or dreading it” and you can probably get a free read by accessing through the search engine. Works for limited number of accesses to content published behind paywalls.
  • Just for fun: did you ever wonder about the books you see in bookcases and on shelves on TV and in the movies? Have you ever seen someone have a super curated book shelf on their Zoom calls? You didn’t think that was serendipity, did you? I kinda’ did and then a friend told me about Books by the Foot. It’s awesome and this is a great read on their business. I’m sharing this with a smile on my face—enjoy!

Do Good Spotlight: Brain & Behavior Research Foundation

This week’s spotlight is on Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. Their reason for being is to alleviate the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research. We learned about this organization through a tragedy experienced by a friend, a suicide by their friend suffering with mental illness. We donated in their friend’s honor to help BBRF with their relentless work to fund the research that is helping bring about positive change. Here’s where to learn more about BBRF and why their work is so important.

Thank you for reading. Please keep suggesting not-for-profits for us to spotlight, we have several in the pipeline for the next few weeks and are actively seeking to support the organizations that our audience holds dear, so shout them out!

And in the meantime, I hope the rest of your week is a smooth coast into a wonderful winter weekend.

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Published On: 01/06/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: /

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