The warmer weather and cloud-free skies are making me feel more energized these days. How about you? Well, this week I’ve got some short reads designed to take your mind to even more positive places: oh, the possibilities. Take a deep breath, hold it, exhale, do it again, and then enjoy these notes on happiness, connections, and showcasing your uniqueness.

  • I don’t know about you but I was ready for The World Happiness Report on how we’ve weathered the pandemic and what’s getting us through. One key finding: happiness is local. To me, part of the message here is that we can influence others around us to stay positive by staying positive and spreading that vibe. And be open to receiving the positivity when you feel yourself starting to slip: reframe and regain. There’s a lot more in this info out of Berkeley, check it out.
  • Should you consciously try to change the caliber of your network? You know the answer is going to be yes, just ‘cause I’m asking. Next question: how do you go about it? Here’s a game plan and the “why” from the networking master, Adam Connors in a post for his free e-briefing, NetWorkWise.
  • As business leaders, have you seen job candidates using some of the new features on LinkedIn talked about in this Fast Company piece? Do you think using some of this new tools to upgrade your LinkedIn profile can help you and your company?

Do Good Spotlight: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NMEC) & Amazon Smile

This e-briefing from Owlthena has featured NCMEC in the past and we’re always impressed with how they leverage the latest technologies and strategies for working with law enforcement and others to keep kids and teens safe from predators. We donated again this week and suggest you check out the good works they’re doing. Perhaps you’ll choose to make a donation too. Learn more here.

And while we’re on the subject of helping others, did you know that you can set your browser to go to Amazon Smile instead of Amazon to make your online purchases? What’s the difference? Nothing as far as your shopping experience goes. But everything to a charity you support. With Amazon Smile, you choose a charity that Amazon will donate to every time you make a purchase. You shop and purchase as you’ve always done. The only difference? When you’re in Amazon Smile and make your purchase, a portion of your purchase price goes to your charity. Seamlessly. How much does it cost you? Nothing. What better way is there to donate to a favorite not for profit?  Here’s how to learn more about Amazon Smile.

Here’s to more spring-like weather, lots of sunshine, and a great rest of the week!

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Published On: 03/31/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: , /

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