The DBE team and I hope you are having a great week and have good plans for the weekend. We have lots of digital marketing news to share with you this week, so let’s jump right in:

  • The NY Times asks–and answers this question: “Could Gen Z Free the World From Email?” in this article. [Pro tip: subscription required, but if you haven’t used up your freebies for the month, Google the article title and see if you can get to the article that way]
  • How helpful are YouTube “how to’s”? Over the past 10 months, together with 37,380 YouTube users, Mozilla conducted the largest-ever crowdsourced investigation into harmful recommendations on YouTube using a tool that we built called RegretsReporter. Learn more here.
  • Advertisers won’t be able to create new Broad Match Modifier keywords starting in late July. Read more here.
  • We know branding and positioning has the power to influence minds, but have you ever realized how well beverage brands do this? Beverage companies, like the ones referenced in this article, have learned a unique way to channel humans’ need for functionality in their calories.
  • Fascination rules! Jessica Stillman shares tips on keeping your brain functioning on all cylinders by being fascinated.
  • Think with Google recently reminded us of the Inside Google Marketing guide called “Three Steps to Master Digital Advertising.” While it’s focused on how and when to best leverage Google Ads products, the concepts included in the Goal Setting, Conversion Tracking, and Waterfall Media Planning are universal and can be applied across all digital marketing.
  • Search Engine Land published a sponsored post “Fortune 500 Secret: Consumer Intelligence Analytics Drives Every Decision.” You don’t have to be in a Fortune 500 company to benefit from learning about uncovering, understanding, and predicting consumer behavior for your brand.
  • Crypto FOMO? A recently released report shows 50% of US adults who own crypto currency buy it not just for the investment but because they don’t want to feel that they’re missing out. Here’s more.
  • MUM’s the word. Nah, just kidding, Google wants you to know about it as a user as well as for SEO reasons too.
  • With the boom of ecommerce in 2020, affiliate marketing thrived and showed massive growth YoY. It’s estimated that this $12 billion global market helps drive 15-30% of all sales for advertisers. Supermetrics compares its 2020 predictions with what really happened and looks at trends for affiliate marketing in 2021.

Do Good Spotlight #1: INT-O

We recently learned about INT-O and couldn’t wait to share with you. International Optimism Yellow (INT-O Yellow) is a color with a cause. It was developed as a platform for participation and collaboration between: Pantone, artist Uncle Riley, UMEWE and YOU. It was conceived as a tool to explore Optimism and positively impact reality.

Learn more here, it’s so cool!

Do Good Spotlight #2: Passage Theatre

Passage Theatre Company in Trenton, NJ is committed to creating and producing socially relevant new plays and arts programming that deeply resonate with and reflect the community. Through professional productions, educational programs, and community engagement, they present diverse perspectives and new voices that inspire audiences and invigorate the art of live theatre. We donated to help them progress on their mission, and you can too. Learn more about Passage Theatre here.

Thanks for reading. Please share your requests for not for profits for us to share about in future issues, and have a great rest of the week!

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Published On: 07/14/2021 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer /

Digital marketing news with a mindful twist

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