📢 What’s all this brouhaha?

It’s the digital marketing news bursting out of this edition. Better hurry up and get readin’!

  • AI isn’t taking our jobs (yet). Turns out some AIs still have a lot of kinks to iron out before they could ever think and sound like us. Check out this Futurism article to see how CNET’s article-writing AI fared against critical gaze.
  • LinkedIn has a lot going for it. According to LinkedIn’s Alexandra Rynne, “59 million companies have a LinkedIn Page,” and year over year in 2022, members viewed “22% more Feed Updates” and had “25% more public conversations on LinkedIn.” With stats like that, it’s a good time to think about how you’re managing your LinkedIn marketing. (There is even a fun infographic!)

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 The Parks System 🌟

I’ve been involved in my parks system for a while now. If I’ve learned one thing, park workers, rangers, and volunteers are truly devoted to park preservation.

Did you know one of the main causes of trail weathering is water? (I had thought the stamping of human feet was the main problem, but flowing water can erode a trail very quickly!) Trail maintenance teams create water bars, redirect weathered trails, and more to preserve the trails and the nature around them.

If you’re looking for a green way to donate time or resources, try the U.S. National Parks System or help support our buddies at the Monmouth County Parks System.

P.S. If you haven’t followed the National Parks Service on LinkedIn, you should. Your spirits will be lifted by animal memes and educational fun facts.

  • Google’s making moves on the technological chess board…and much of it ties back to ChatGPT. Several projects are in the works for their own chatbot, and possibly a demo in the works this year. See more in The New York Times and The Verge.
  • To be a ranking factor or not to be a ranking factor? That is the question many ask about Google’s mysterious ranking algorithm. Take a look at all the “known, confirmed, rumored, and absolute myth-level Google ranking factors” to test your knowledge of SEO best practices.

Annnnnnddd that’s it for this week! Looking forward to our next chat ☕


Fun Fact: Chickens and ostriches are the closest modern relatives to the T-rex. 🐓

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