How’s your week going? Are you off on Monday? We are at DBE/Owlthena, and I’m looking forward to that extra day to do some reflecting and planning that somehow never really happened at the end of December/beginning of January, though the short answer for 2021 so far is, I’m feeling positive!

The majority of the suggested readings this week are about how we work, why we work, and how so much about our work is changing super fast:

  • This article is a MUST READ. It’s by Brian Kropp for Harvard Business Review and ID’s 9 trends that will shape how we work now and into the future.
  • Tables turned…CMO at Zoom, Janine Pelosi, shares her predictions on the future of the workplace. While she doesn’t see the office disappearing entirely, office time will be planned for maximum efficiency and collaboration, and she’s got some notes on virtual conferences too.
  • Remember when companies were able to schedule a year in advance? Now, it feels like there’s not enough information to plan the rest of the month. Learn about strategic planning tips for 2021 and stay on top of the game by assuming there will be uncertainty.

Do Good Spotlight on: The American Cancer Society

Most people think about the work the American Cancer Society does to fund and conduct research to eradicate cancer, but have you seen the website lately? It’s filled with educational information to help us all stay healthy and adopt lifestyles that help reduce our cancer risks. We donated to this amazing mega organization to support the great work they are doing on so many fronts. Check them out here.

I hope these stories added value and gave you new perspectives as they did for me. Have a great rest of the week and if you’re one of the lucky ones having a 3-day weekend this weekend–and even if you’re not–ENJOY!

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Published On: 02/10/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: , /

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