June is well under way. How’s the month going so far? It’s good to be seeing friends and family again, with more reunions in the works. Still find myself being careful out of habit and precaution, e.g., that mask is still on walking to a table in a restaurant—but I’m in the restaurants again…and I’m back at my gym too.

I hope you’re finding re-entry smooth too.

Below are shares I wanted to make to help feed the part of you working so hard to make business work well:

  • There’s a digital agency I’ve respected for years and years and I’m now watching them implode because the management is failing to tackle the very same things Travis Bradberry talks about in “9 Bad Manager Mistakes That Make Good People Quit.” These rules apply to all organizations, and with everyone being so worn out by the twists and turns of the pandemic, I thought it would be a good time to say, hey, please check in with your team. And I mean, really check in with them. I find through my coaching leaders often think they are having the right conversations (two-way, real exchanges) with their people, but their team members would say otherwise. Why? Because leaders are tired too, and it’s easy to miss the signs that your team needs something else from you. Take a pause and really check in.
  • On the topic of real conversation, have you heard about appreciative inquiry? It’s the practice of working from the positive to get to the heart of challenges and help your team make business aligned changes that last. I learned a lot about appreciative inquiry recently from Kelly Stewart, president of The Positive Business. You can learn more about it here, including how to connect with Kelly to explore how this process can work for your business.
  • As we begin to gather again socially and for business, do you find you in-person communications skills are a little rusty? How long should small talk last? How do you politely end a conversation? Adam Connors of NetWorkWise has great advice in this post.

Do Good Spotlight on: NOVA (Network of Victims Assistance)

We learned about NOVA through “Women Who Care-Bucks County.” NOVA provides a safe and child-friendly environment in which staff, law enforcement, child welfare, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical and mental health professionals collaborate to implement effective, coordinated investigations of suspected child abuse.

Here’s where you can learn more. As always, we donated to NOVA as this week’s spotlighted organization and encourage you to consider donating too.

That’s a wrap for this week. I hope the shares were helpful. Let me know if I can help you in any way, and in the meantime, stay strong, stay focused, and rock on!

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Published On: 06/09/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: , , /

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