
Well, the weather on the east coast is doing the March roller coaster thing again, but definitely seeing progress toward warmer weather, and last weekend I saw these lovelies showing themselves, not sure what they are, but they’re new, green, and have flowers, so let’s cheer them on:

A picture containing grass, outdoor, plant, wood
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  • Author Yulia Yaganova suggests a three-week experiment where you rate your energy, focus and motivation at the end of every hour, using a scale of 1-10. The point is to find patterns to see if there are ways to leverage them. I thought this was interesting and am trying it this week using an Excel sheet to track the data.
  • Have you heard of “imposter syndrome?” I never really liked the phrase, never felt like it truly described what was really going on. This article from Harvard Business Review suggests we stop telling women how to get over imposter syndrome and address the reasons why women sometimes have difficulty getting a clear view of their successes and their context. I remember the feeling of “unclear comparables” when I worked in a F500: the unit I led was the most profitable, I was a rock star outside the company. Inside, I was constantly marginalized—as were most of my female colleagues–and my successes were “nice” instead of celebrated the way those of our male counterparts often were. I spent years thinking it was me…until the lightbulb went off and I better understood what we now call institutionalized bias. We need better frameworks so that real producers don’t even begin to question if they’re the real deal.
  • Are you factoring the cost of living where your remote workers live into their salaries? It was common practice before Covid, now it’s a hot topic.
  • Increasingly, younger workers are expecting their employers to walk the walk when it comes to diversity hiring. How does your company stack up in the eyes of Millennials and GenZ?
  • How much positive impact does a compliment in the workplace have? If you think it’s a little bit, you’re wrong. It’s much more.

Do Good Spotlight on: Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK)

Feeding the hungry in the Trenton, NJ area is what TASK is all about. We donated this week to help them to continue deliver on their mission for people who need food in Trenton and the surrounding area. Is there a local food pantry or soup kitchen in your area that needs your support? Please consider donating non-perishable items or cash to help them help those in need. Here’s how to learn more about and help TASK.

Let’s finish the week strong, supportive, and focused!

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Published On: 03/10/2021 / Categories: Owlthena What's Hot Wednesday / Tags: , , /

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