Hey y’all!

I’m so excited to share with you all that’s going on in digital marketing. So get ready. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. GO!

  • There’s enough confusion about what Google factors in its natural search algorithm to produce rankings and the metrics third-party tools focus on which are generally believed to contribute to those rankings, that Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, felt the need to state: “Google does not use scores from third-party SEO tools or services” for ranking.

    One of the tools he is clearly referencing when he mentions website authority and spamminess is Moz. For years, people have mistakenly believed the tools’ reports on things such as domain authority and link scores are actually used by Google to decide how to rank websites. No, they are not.

In addition, people erroneously think these third-party metrics are verified by Google as components of its algorithm. In truth, Google doesn’t reveal what affects its algorithms, though studying Google’s behaviors have led to the metrics Moz and others report on and optimizers like DBE use to help guide our client’s successes.

Important to note, not that they need our help, Moz doesn’t claim to influence Google rankings but rather that it is a tool that predicts how well a website or page is likely to rank in Google SERPs.

We’re including the story links for Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal if you’d like the nitty gritty on these points.

  • We all have our stories of bad customer experience. Forever-long wait times… impossibly complicated websites…. It gives me chills! Search Engine Land has tips on getting your customer experience to link up with your SEO. Then, MarTech further backs customer experience in B2B.
  • Did you assume (like me) that AI can speak and comprehend all languages? Well, currently, that’s not true. When you wander out of the French/English/Spanish/mainstream language range, there are far fewer AI tools to leverage. Scientists in Africa are working to advance AI tools in African languages. Read more in Science Daily.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 American Bird Conservatory 🌟

For more than 25 years, American Bird Conservancy has been standing up for birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. Their emphasis is on results and working in partnership. They innovate and build on rapid advancements in science to halt extinctions, protect habitats, eliminate threats, and build capacity for bird conservation. Check them out: American Bird Conservatory.

  • How confident are you in your ability to measure ROI? The bad news is fewer than two-thirds of marketing professionals answer this question with “High Confidence.” The good news is the channels that marketers have the highest confidence in ROI measurement are digital: social media, video, search, and display. The raised eyebrow we have with the data is the higher confidence in social media over search – really?!
  • Amazon sponsored products will appear on Pinterest, Lifehacker, Hearst Newspapers, Buzzfeed, and more. Shopping is going next level with convenience. Seriously.
  • X (previous alias: Twitter) has partnered up with Integral Ad Science (IAS) “to provide brand safety and suitability certification for advertisers.” Ads that are certified will appear according to Global Alliance for Responsible Media guidelines.

¡Adiós, mis amigos!


You know those songs that seem like they were written about your life?

Sean Callahan hit the nail on this head with these bops that can relate to marketing.

(I’m cracking up at “Going Mobile” by The Who. 😂)

Anywho, now’s the time for me to remind you to tell your digital marketing friends to join us – here’s the link!

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