Good day! *hat tip* 🎩

January whizzed by faster than a hummingbird’s wing, but I hope you had a good start to the year! Let’s get down to it….

  • The Department of Justice is suing Google over its perspective on Google’s advertising dominance on the internet, particularly for Display advertising. Learn more on the case here. See reviews by CNN and TechCrunch.
  • McKinsey Quarterly has this quick and easy-to-read, 5-minute briefing (more like an interactive infographic) on “Employee Well-Being: The Holistic Way.” The brief then links to a deeper, 50-minute dive as part of McKinsey’s Five Fifty Edition Series. While there, you could also check out the December Five Fifty edition that covered the Metaverse.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 🌟

The International Rescue Committee’s goal is to help those affected by conflict and disasters with high-impact and cost-effective solutions. They focus on health, safety, economic well being, education, and empowerment. Learn more about who they are and what they do: The International Rescue Committee.

  • What do TikTok, YouTube, and Google have in common? Marketers expect to increase their investment in these digital platforms the most in 2023. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter are expected to see the greatest decreases. MarketingCharts has the deets, and you might be surprised where Amazon falls in the mix.
  • The ad market fell 12% YOY in December, continuing a 6-month decline. But something we did see: “digital accounted for 64% of total ad spending in December, up from 62% in December 2021.”

Why We 💗 What We Do…

Part of loving what you do is finding ways to make it better. Our team frequently has discussions on everything from improving company efficiency to establishing healthy work habits. This concept floated up in a team discussion, and we thought it would be good to share what we learned:

Imposter syndrome affects most of us at one point or another. A key to prevailing over these feelings is to understand where they come from. Here’s what we’ve learned about Imposter Syndrome.

  • Twitter has been teetering over its own fence lately. In an effort to gain trust with the public, the company is looking into having third-party verification on its ad systems. Get the scoop here and, if you need a little more info on third-party verification, try this article.

May your February be glorious. Don’t forget to make time for yourself. In many situations, you can spare 10 minutes to reset before getting back to life. Take a walk. Do some breathing exercises. Listen to some music. Sometimes a break is just what you need to get back on your game! 🙂



You know that feeling you get from drinking a hot drink on a cold day? ❄➡☕ =😄

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Published On: 02/01/2023 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer / Tags: , , , /

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