When we launched DBE’s Search Artificial Intelligence Optimization (SAIO) strategy for generating link citations in answers to questions asked of conversational search AI chatbots like Bing Copilot and Google SGE, we showed this iceberg image to help distinguish the similarities and differences between traditional SEO tactics and the new SAIO tactics:

We also created a new presentation slide for SAIO Best Practices that illustrates these tactics share the same three foundational optimization pillars: Technical (On-Website), Content (On-Website), Links/Social Signals (Off-Website). Compare SEO and SAIO best practices below:

Now we’re finding the connection between SEO and SAIO is more than a story of similarities; there is a real synergy of visibility generated when implementing both sets of best practices.
In a previous blog post, we established that Bing Copilot and Google SGE use traditional search index data as signals of authority and trust factors that influence the inclusion of link citations in their responses to conversational AI searches. Here’s an example of how that worked for our client, Paula Deen:

Now, we are seeing how implementation of SAIO-targeted conversational content in the form of FAQs, images, and videos are having the positive benefit of being included in multiple Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page) features in addition to organic listings:

So don’t think of implementing SEO best practices and SAIO best practices as an either/or situation and leverage the power of “and” – as in SEO and SAIO best practices combined.